Content for The User and not for the Search Engine

Kaylee Alexa
2 min readJul 28, 2020

A belief — in not only their product and its quality, but in the consumers as well ie no matter how offbeat you are, if you have a confidence in your products, then be confident that if presented correctly, the right consumer will come to you!

The same can be extended to the content marketing Digital Marketing Agency Glasgow. Seems like drawing distant parallels? Well, wait up!

In the present scenario of having infinite amounts of Search Engine Optimized content floating around (about which users are increasingly becoming aware), what sets a brand apart is its genuineness.

People now know that the link that shows up at the top of the Search Results page isn’t necessarily the thing they’ve been looking for! The aware user acts oblivious to those search engine rankings and does care to scroll down, to find something that has some excellent content to offer in return — that is appealing to him and his needs and not the machine.

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So, when you ask a writer to create content for your online handle, that’s meant (in the actual sense) to appeal to people and their needs instead of to a ranking algorithm, Digital Marketing Agency Cardiff be writing to someone who understands — a human, whose emotions and needs can be appealed to and who understands why the content and wordplay is superior to those who have just used “Peter Patting Potato” or some similar, trivial “keyword” in the write-up 10 times. And thus, all the content on your website is genuine, meaningful and thus appeals to your customers out there who are in the lookout for brands like you!

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Kaylee Alexa

I am passionate about writing. Basically, love to explore so that’s what brought me to this profession. Currently, focusing on digital marketing company.